I. King Makaampow Bawengehe 1600 - 1620
Son of the empress Kulane Tangkuliwutang with Nabuisan. Located in the former Kingdom of Sahabe Nusa mertunya Mamata. She marry the two daughters of the King Weigh Mamata Nusa Sehiwu and Sompo Sehiwu. Makaampow killed in fighting in the two-time attack by Hengkeng Unaung hero with a fleet of Siau with the help of Heroes Tamako Ambala. This defeat was the bodyguard named Tahapansiang betrayal of hate to his employer when they are fishing in the Gulf of Laine. One night a bright moon illuminated the unexpected is the enemy entered the Gulf of Laine. The longer the enemy from the sea near the coast where more Makaampow no preparations for war. With no loss of fish raised Belanak then he gets into the air and hit the light of the moon because the enemies look like a sword of his enemy disandangnya so tentatively. This opportunity is used by slaves swam to inform the enemy that attacked because it was not raised sword fish but Belanak or Gare (in Sangir). Although not armed but Makaampow chase chase started along the northern coast of the bay to bay map Laine and ends in Cape Lapopahe, upfront country Makaampow Map killed in Ambala hand. He died in his family's sword tip where the hero is the mainstay Kulane Ambala Matandatu before dibelahan west out of the kingdom Tamako Channel in 1575 and joined the Royal Siau. Stone battle in which former named Stone Weka Ambala where the sword to kill Makaampow trace. Hence arose the song (sasambo):
“Pili” I Ambala sarang batu weka,
Hengkeng U Naung Limuhum Sebune,
Nanenten bara’ e gare,
Pinahun tika monda’.
Which means in the Indonesian language about this:
Heroes Ambala machete to cut stone,
Heroes Hengkeng Unaung foam surrounds,
Belanak raised his sword,
He thinks the sword ...
Head of King Makaampow brought victory to the cheers Siau by hero
Hengkeng. Head of King Makaampow taken back from the Heroes Kumale Siau. By
So there is another song (sasambo):
“ Mebua” bo’en Tabukan, benteng bo’en dinge’e
Tarai sarang Siau, memena’e Karangetang
Tarai mengala’tembo masaghiwu’etanggulu
Tembo’ I Ratu Wawengehe’ tanggulu’en Makaampow
Enae’ bawaeng saghenuang sarang Moade I wentan
Balan Manuwe.
In the Indonesian language is roughly thus:
Departure from TABUKAN, lifting delivery,
Go to Siau, toward Karangetan,
Go take a head, with skull,
Head of King Bawenghe, Makaampow skull,
Taken to the Channel (Meade ') buried in Manuwe.
However preceded brought by Mengga'e brought to Ambala and was buried there that
This is now known as Menggawa.
Start event and the relationship Siau TABUKAN began tense.
II. King Wuaten I Semba Yudha 1620 - 1665
Son of the consort of King Makaampow Weigh Sehiwu.
III. King Ghama Vasco da Gama Gaman Banua 1665 - 1670
Son of King Wuaten Semba Yudha Taskea I and empress of Tagulandang. In the reign of King Ghama kingdom in Talaud, Salengkor island and Kabaruan Maimuna given to his grandson who became empress of King Batahi of Siau.
IV. King Francisco Makaampow Yudha II 1670 - 1700
Son of King Ghama with Uhentinendeng consort of King putrid Kingdom Tatohe of Tahuna. Kingdom islands adjacent to the South, the Kahakitan, Manongetan, given to his daughter who became empress Maimuna King Batahi of Siau. The relationship between TABUKAN and Siau getting better. After birth son Nusa Rarame the relationship between TABUKAN and Siau recovered. Therefore meaning Rarame Nusa Nusa is a peacemaker.
V. King Dalero 1700 - 1720
Son of King Yudha II with Dolontengo princess consort of King Palango from Tagulandang.
VI. King Mehengkelangi 1720 - 1745
Brother of King Dalero
VII. King Karula 1745 - 1770
Son of King Mehengkelangi with Belisehiwu of Tagulandang empress.
VIII. King Sani 1770 - 1795
Son with Jogugu Bulega empress Punsangiang Langi Jogugu Wakari Eldest daughter. Descendants of nothing he become King, while a daughter named Tarumensah but died when I was little. Therefore TABUKAN raised the son of King Manulung Pansage from Midshipman named Paparang Thigh Wuaten of Midshipman. Paparang Wuaten is the grandson of TABUKAN Jogugu Takaulimang, brother of King Makaampow Judha Francisco I.
IX. King Julius Hendrik David Paparang Paha Wuaten 1795 - 1820
Son of King Manulung Bansage Midshipman with the daughter of King Murusilang Empress Lohontundali of Siau.
X. King Laudagima Paparang 1820 - 1875
Son of King Julius H. David Paparang with Wulaeng Hote princess consort of King Ismail Jacobus Mehengkelangi of Siau.
XI. King Webesan Ignatius Nicolas Paparang 1875 - 1880
The king's son by the empress Laudagima Paparang Sirang.
XII. King Kumuku Anthony David Paparang 1880 - 1900
Son of King Webesan Paparang with Lawewe princess consort of King Manganitu bin.
XIII. President King Siri Darea 1900 - 1908
XIV. King Papukule David Sarapil 1908 - 1924
Son Jogugu Pameras with Hadinda empress. At the time of the U.S. government claims he Miangas island in the Netherlands in 1912. With three U.S. warships Miangas occupying the island and down the Dutch flag on the island. The reason that America is the region of the island Miangas Philippines because it is not far from the coast of Mindanao. In the event the two parties to deploy warships and their respective turns occupying the island. But the seed was in the United States so that Americans occupied the island Miangas. Dutch government center in Makassar can not do anything because there is nothing on which documents for him because the Dutch captured the islands Sangir with violence, then Americans could certainly do so against the Dutch. After King Papukule David Sarapil see that the Dutch did not have the ability in Miangas seizure, so he gave warning to the Dutch government both in Makassar and Manado in order not to interfere with the settlement of the island Miangas that was occupied by Americans. Kingdom TABUKAN can complete based on historical facts. He ordered two royal historian Hendrik TABUKAN Makaminan and Zachary Duke. Hendrik Makaminan village was ordered to Sahabe (ex Royal Pahawon an instant) and Zachary Duke was ordered to Channel (ex Royal Bulega Langi). Hendrik Makaminan get five documents from the history of the Kingdom Sahabe, while Zachary Duke had seven documents from the history channel Kingdom. After the twelve documents collected from the two ex kingdom Papukule King David then sent Zachary Sarapil Duke with a mandate letter from King to meet with officers who became commander of occupation on the island Miangas. King Sarapil send the request to Manado to Makassar via Seven ships sent to TABUKAN for use by delegates TABUKAN in negotiations with the Americans on the island Miangas. The request is fulfilled by the Dutch and ship Seven / Zeven Provincio sent to TABUKAN. With Zeven boarded Provincio, Zachary Duke as envoys accompanied Kontrolur TABUKAN Lemanz de Ryter go to Miangas. Approaching the island the ship Zeven Miangas Provincio met with three U.S. warships were patrolling. The mouths of cannons on board the American diarahakan P Zeven accompanied by questions sein lamp / morse. After the ship Zeven P answered that question in order to negotiate the territory by peaceful means, then allowed to enter, escorted three war ships. TABUKAN Kingdom envoy invited down to the ground and held talks with the American officer who became commander. During the meeting the commander of occupation provides the legal basis for reasons of occupation of the island, that island of the Philippine territory Miangas not including the Dutch East Indies (then) because it is located in coastal areas of Mindanao which became American territory. Therefore, the island's sovereign right is the right of Americans. In response the officer explained it, the Duke answered by Zachary true that America is located in the region according to Mindanao but for the Kingdom of the rights TABUKAN history holds that since 700 years ago that this island is the ancestor of the royal line with the kingdom Gumansalangi Medellu Northern Mindanao and adjacent to a fact the form of old documents that have been brought and that therefore the island is absolutely right Miangas of TABUKAN Kingdom. To reinforce the previous statement again that this island but it's not Miangas Pekilateng (Lightning) which became a shipping point on the sign in the primeval northern direction. Miangas word is derived from the ESE Which means that only a man, which was met by Kenda Arare hero at the time the first foot island, the inhabitants are all male or male. Mang gradually become Miangas ESE. In the Dutch occupation of the island Miangas called Palmas. In the Dutch occupation of the island Miangas called Palmas. The name was given by the Dutch as a first warning to the President Menado named Elama visited the island. However, a clear island Miangas included in TABUKAN royal family. With the facts that can not be denied by the United States, the United States relented and went to leave Miangas. Dutch flag flew again on the island Miangas that had been torn up by the Americans and the Lion symbol that has been thrown into the sea stood again on the island Miangas. Zachary Duke and Lemans de Ryter back to TABUKAN with diplomatic victory after tongue with the commander. After a border incident immediately tersbut eat Volkenbend convened in 1914 and Validating Miangas island is absolutely the former Dutch East Indies to this day the island became the border between the countries neighboring the Republic of the Philippines and Indonesia and became the absolute right of the Republic of Indonesia.
XV. King Kahendake Willem Sarapil 1924 - 1929
Son of King P. David Sarapil with her consort. At the time of his father's administration that the central government based in the Old TABUKAN (Sea Tebe) moved to Enemawira in 1912. In 1929 he was exiled by the Dutch to Kolonodale Central Sulawesi. Similarly, the king who became Lodewyk Kansil-in-law of King K. Willem Sarapil where the Dutch began the removal of political launch of the Kings who have the education. He returned to TABUKAN after Japan lost the war in 1945. During the State of East Indonesia stood so he became Chairman of the Senate in the State of East Indonesia. State of East Indonesia after the Dutch made disbanded in 1950. In the year 1952 with the decision of the government of Indonesia so he set as First Consul of Indonesia in Davao. But God set another and in 1952 he fell ill after returning from Jakarta and had no position is charged to him. He died in 1952.
XVI. King Levinus Johannis Macpal 1929 - 1942
Missing Jogugu son Menalu with Macpal of Patras Rachel Tenteng empress of Midshipman. King Macpal was the last King of the Kingdom of TABUKAN. He was destroyed by Japanese authorities after receiving heavy punishment in the prison with his brother Karel Midshipman Macpal Jogugu Menalu and beheaded by the Japanese in 1942. The body of the two brothers buried in Tahuna Bungalawang with other victims who suffered the same fate at that time.
Thus history since its founding TABUKAN kingdom since the days of King Makaampow Bawengehe began in 1600 to 1942.
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